Parasite Detox

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Summarising her research in the book, The Cure for All Diseases, biophysicist, Hulda Clark, concluded that a vast spectrum of human diseases are caused by the combination of parasites and a biological terrain contaminated with heavy metals and petrochemical toxins. She found repeatedly that her patients could be cured of diverse ailments when they were treated with an electronic frequency zapper and a parasite cleansing tincture (the latter proving the most effective means to clear parasites from the intestinal tract). In parallel, she would recommend shifting to a diet and household products which minimised exposure to chemical toxins.

The classic parasite tincture developed by Clark was a combination of wormwood, cloves and black walnut hulls in grain alcohol. This was taken for a period of 60 days to ensure that all the egg, larvae and adult parasite life cycle stages were killed. Scientific research into traditional anti-parasitic herbs used by various cultures indicates that each herb exerts a specific biochemical action, which may be more or less effective against a given parasitic organism. On this basis, our Herbal Parasite Tincture includes 16 well-established anti-parasitic herbs to offer maximum efficacy against the greatest number of pathogenic organisms and their respective life cycle stages. Rather than using a standard grain alcohol base (often produced by pharmaceutical laboratories), we tincture these herbs in high quality organic vodka.

By using our Herbal Parasite Tincture together with the Crystalline Frequency Zapper, the burden on the immune system is greatly reduced as toxic organisms (and their poisonous metabolic wastes) are removed from the body. This, in turn, leads to improved physical health, energy levels, mental clarity, and resistance to infectious disease.

We may also note that the pharmaceutical drugs most effective in treating “Covid-19”, namely Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, happen to be anti-parasitics. Researchers have stated that these drugs are effective because they are zinc ionophores (in other words, they assist to deliver zinc into the cells, which then inhibits viral replication). Nevertheless, we find it curious that a disease condition is rapidly improved by taking a medication designed to combat parasites. This has prompted some researchers to wonder whether there is a parasitic component to the symptomology of Covid-19. Some, who are not persuaded by the evidence of viral causation, have considered the fact that specific microwave and millimetre wave EMFs will encourage the growth of parasites. Others have noted that hydrogel nano-technologies will self-assemble in the presence of these EMFs and then act as antennae. They then speculated whether the body might regard these nano-technologies to be novel parasitic organisms and therefore attempt to remove such a threat by the standard biological pathways. If so, anti-parasitic herbs might assist this process. Still others, who have examined under the microscope certain “medications” being rolled out to the global public, insist that they have observed parasites in what should be sterile samples. We cannot offer a definitive comment. However, if one considers the entire picture outlined above, we believe that a periodic 60-day course of natural anti-parasitic herbs may offer numerous benefits for health and wellbeing in these perilous times.

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  • Herbal Parasite Tincture

    £24.00 or subscribe and save 10%
  • The Demon Zapper

  • Crystalline Frequency Zapper

  • Parasite Formula

    £24.00 or subscribe and save 10%