Amazon Rainforest Formula


A blend of powerhouse medicinal herbs from God’s greatest pharmacy – the Amazon Rainforest.


Only 1 left in stock

Pau D’Arco – the inner bark of the Lapacho Colorado Tree was one of the most powerful medicines used by the Incas.  It has been used extensively by indigenous tribes and contemporary South American physicians for a very wide range of health conditions, including: cancer, AIDS, Candida Albicans overgrowth and other fungal problems, anemia, arteriosclorosis, bronchitis, cystitis, diabetes, gastritis, hernias, infectious diseases, liver ailments, osteomyelitis, psoriasis, pyorrhea, parkinson’s disease, ringworm, rheumatism, skin problems, varicose veins, venereal diseases, wounds, colds, influenza, polyps, prostate infection and enlargement, multiple sclerosis, typhus, impotence, boils, snake bites, food allergies, and chemical allergies. It is a powerful tonic and blood builder. It assists the assimilation of nutrients and elimination of wastes, detoxifying the liver, kidneys and intestinal tract.

Chanca Piedra – (literal meaning “stone breaker”) used by the indigenous people of the Amazon to eliminate calcium deposits and stones in the kidney and gallbladder. It is a tonic for the digestive system and helps remove parasites. Various studies indicate anti-viral properties.

Jatoba – supports digestive and pulmonary health and strengthens the entire system. Traditionally, it has been used in the Amazon to make a wine (“Vinho de Jatoba”) that is used to facilitate long hours of hard work in the jungle.

Cat’s Claw – contains an array of powerful antioxidants. It stimulates the immune system and regulates blood pressure. Due to its anti-inflammatory components, it has been found to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.

Chuchuhuasi – (literal meaning “trembling back”) is traditionally used for aching muscles and joints, for back pain, as a general tonic, for adrenal support, and to regulate menstruation.

Yerba Mate – stimulates the nervous system and provides a boost to energy reserves.

Suggested usage:

Put 1–3 tablespoons of the tea in a cafetiere or tea infuser and add boiling water. Infuse for 15-20 minutes.  Sweeten with raw organic honey if desired.

Store in a cool, dark place.


Wildcrafted Chanca Piedra, Wildcrafted Jatoba, Organic Una de Gato (Cat’s claw), Wildcrafted Pau D’Arco, Wildcrafted Chuchuhuasi, Organic Yerba Mate, Organic Stevia Leaf.


Pregnant women should consult their healthcare professional before taking herbal products.

Food supplements should not be taken as an alternative a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

A naturally sweet and very tasty tea. Invigorating.

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